WWK Consulting Group
Wright Williams & Kelly, Inc. the leader in productivity and cost management software for cross industry applications, also provides a wide variety of consulting services to support both its software products and to improve the productivity and cost base of its clients.
WWK’s expert team of applications engineers is available to assist you in meeting both short-
and long-term needs without any requirement to license software. From learning curve
acceleration to full outsourcing, WWK can design a program to address your critical
For cost of ownership (COO) and overall equipment efficiency(OEE) applications, WWK offers consulting services including data collection, application development, and results analysis and recommendation. To assist in results distribution, all analyses utilize the world’s most accepted COO and OEE software, TWO COOL®. These same services are also offered for cost, risk, and return on investment (ROI) analyses.
Factory level modeling requires a broader base of resources to address data collection and entry, model verification and validation, and results analysis and recommendation. Factory modeling includes both deterministic (Factory Commander®) and stochastic (Factory Explorer®) approaches to capacity, resources, costs, and revenues. WWK has proven expertise in the areas of factory cycle time reduction, constraints management, and build-to-stock/build-to-order/assemble-to-order production systems. To meet client demands on a global basis, WWK draws on the broad base of its affiliates program. These include experts in Lean Manufacturing, Quality and Reliability, Supply Chain Optimization, and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).
The management of WWK has extensive experience in business development and product
introductions. This expertise can now be transferred to your marketing and engineering
staff through the seminar “How to Successfully Manage New Product Introductions.”
To further support its standard course offerings, WWK also offers a full range of business development consulting services. These services include strategic planning, product development, business development, benchmarking, competitive analysis, and software development and integration.
Today’s focus on return on investment (ROI) in manufacturing and other business processes
raises questions the answers to which require resources in excess of those available in an
individual company. Additionally, there are times when even a seasoned professional needs
an independent analysis of the available options. Wright Williams & Kelly, Inc. provides a
wide range of consulting services to improve productivity and return on investment. Here
are some of the key business questions that WWK answers for clients:
• What are the costs, risks, and benefits of a new project, product, or opportunity?
• How can I shift older or unused resources to more profitable uses?
• How can I add flexibility to my operations to respond to new market or product opportunities?
• What are the data requirements and where are the most relevant data sources that I need to understand a new market or product opportunity?
• How can I convert my existing spreadsheet-based management controls to more efficient, user friendly software?
• How can I improve the yield of my product or process?
• How do performance and reliability variations impact my products, processes, and profits?
• Where are the largest sources of risk in my supply chain?
• How can I implement Lean Manufacturing and a Just-in-Time supply chain?
• How do I compare to my competitors?
• How can my marketing and business strategies impact my competitors?
• Is my new idea feasible in today’s environment?
• How does my product impact my customer’s costs and profits?
A flat panel display manufacturer asked WWK to forecast the manufacturing costs of three display technologies. WWK used Factory Commander® software and several affiliates to predict product costs. The analysis identified a strategic market advantage for the client.
An R&D organization needed to forecast the benefits of a new technology and an equipment supplier needed to forecast the costs and benefits of a new inspection system. Both wanted to understand how their solutions impacted their customers. In each case, WWK used resources from several sources to create customer revenue models that formed the basis for “What if” analyses of costs, profits, and other benefits. Each company used the project results to develop sales and marketing strategies and to identify areas for further research.
A Wall Street investment firm asked WWK consultants to forecast long-range demand for products and capital equipment. The project utilized market research, literature reviews, specialized affiliated consultants, and simulation to produce “best” and worst” case forecasts. The investment firm benefited by understanding not only the available market but the economic triggers that would drive each scenario.
Call today for more information from Wright Williams & Kelly, Inc. Providing business solutions for productivity and cost management since 1991.
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